Washington Post says Republicans aren’t Americans, but illegal aliens are!

No matter what he says, his supporters only seem to get more fired up about the very strong possibility that he will take occupancy of the Oval Office come January. But Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump isn’t letting anyone interfere with his passion for speaking his mind, even when left-wing rags like the Washington Post spew forth endless hatred against him and his allies.

The slowly-fading news outlet recently published an article insinuating that Trump supporters aren’t even Americans – at least not the ones who support his recent call for a moratorium on Muslim immigration until the Syrian refugee crisis is neutralized. Trump’s efforts to protect Americans from possible acts of terrorism, apparently makes him not an American, at least in the eyes of the Washington Post.

The article in question, which was penned by Washington Post research analyst Scott Clement, is entitled “Americans reject Trump’s Muslim ban, but Republicans embrace it,” a subtle jab at the growing segment of the conservative base that doesn’t want to see our country fall into ruin as a result of failed immigration policies.

And to make matters worse, this piece was published as factual journalism rather than subjective opinion, further demonstrating how low the Washington Post is willing to go in smearing political candidates that it hates.

“Apparently, the Washington Post no longer sees Republicans as Americans because 59% of them support Donald Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslim immigration until our government gets its act together,” wrote John Nolte for Breitbart, in a rebuttal piece to the Washington Post.

“One wonders, though, if the Washington Post believes that the 38% of Republicans who oppose Trump’s proposal qualify as Americans? Nah, the Washington Post doesn’t even see Republicans as humans.”

Sorry, dinosaur media: Donald Trump is calling the shots now

It’s the type of thing we’ve come to expect from the Washington Post, which also believes that taxpayers shouldn’t have any say in how their tax dollars are spent, and that healthy food doesn’t exist.

The Washington Post has maintained a fairly positive track record of isolating such rabble-rousing to the editorial section of its paper. But now, with Trump leading practically every poll in a landslide, the venom is freely flowing from this once-respected news outlet.

“If Washington Post staffers are still confused over why they are now working out of a low-rent building, this kind of demagoguery and hate hurled at 50% of the country would be a good place to start,” adds Nolte.

“If nothing else, by refusing to play by their dictatorial rules, Trump has done more than any other politician to frustrate the DC Media into a meltdown that exposes them as the leftwing freaks we always knew they were.”

But it really doesn’t matter anyway, because wherever Trump goes, so go his followers. Badmouthing Trump is only hurting the dinosaur media, including failing networks like Fox News that are losing hordes of viewers as a result of their continual snubbing of one of the most popular presidential candidates since Ronald Reagan.

The most recent Fox News Republican debate had record-low ratings due to the fact that Trump chose not to participate, driving viewers to other networks that aired his counter-event and fundraiser on the same night.

According to CNN Money, Fox News’ Trump-less debate had less than half the viewers of a debate that aired back in August, which Trump attended.

“Maybe Fox was gonna have a 20 or 25 million person debate, but without Mr. Trump’s participation, I think they might have a one to two million person debate,” Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, stated to CNN Money.

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