News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Federal government releases financial settlement figures for vaccine injuries, shattering media’s false claim that vaccines never harm anyone
Even while the hopelessly dishonest, scientifically illiterate oldstream media continues lying to the public with the ridiculous narrative that “vaccines are safe” — read WashPost, The Atlantic, NYT or USA Today for a daily dose of vaccine holocaust denialism — the federal government has publicly released vaccine injury payout figures that prove vaccines routinely maim […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger interview with SGT Report reveals independent media’s pushback against Google censorship and YouTube demonetization
I recently published a rare interview with the founder of SGT Report, a popular independent media website that’s also featured on The topic of our discussion? Google’s “cheating” of its search algorithm to artificially penalize indy media websites, and YouTube’s demonetization assault on the independent media, now dubbed the “Adpocalypse.” I quietly released the […]
By Mike Adams
Firing James Comey is a great first step… now it’s time to INDICT him on corruption charges
President Trump has rediscovered his backbone and fired FBI head James Comey, a corrupt, lawless bureaucrat who deliberately allowed Democrats guilty of “high crimes” to get away scot-free. “In a move that surprised many and likely sent shock waves throughout the Deep State, President Donald J. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday,” reports […]
By Mike Adams
Carbon Dioxide revealed as the “Miracle Molecule of Life” for re-greening the planet
The “War on Carbon” is rooted in the most outrageously dangerous, dishonest and degenerate anti-science bunk that’s ever been shoveled into the minds of the masses. Far from being a “pollutant,” carbon dioxide is the “Miracle Molecule of Life” for re-greening the planet through reforestation. This essential molecule supports the entire web of life on […]
By Mike Adams
HPV vaccine turns young woman into a shriveled, tortured vaccine victim with severe pain that never goes away
The entire corporate-controlled media in the United States maintains a total news blackout over the vaccine injuries that maim, disfigure and even kill children and teens across America. As part of the unapologetic news censorship, hideously unethical, child-sacrificing publishers like The Atlantic absurdly LIE to their readers, claiming vaccines never harm anyone at all (see […]
By Mike Adams
SCIENCE SHOCK: Almost all medical studies are “bogus” … reproducibility approaches ZERO
If you’ve ever wanted to read large collections of fake news, look no further than medical science journals such as The Lancet or the British Medical Journal. Almost everything they publish is “bogus,” explains science writer Richard Harris, who writes for NPR, and the result is billions of dollars in fraud, waste and unnecessary expenditures on Big Pharma […]
By Mike Adams
American Academy of Pediatrics declares “no science” needed to prove vaccines are safe, because they BELIEVE
After publicly declaring that all vaccines are safe and not linked to autism, the American Academy of Pediatrics refused to provide a single shred of scientific evidence to support their claims. Even more laughably, the AAP said that there’ no need to provide any evidence at all, since the safety of vaccines is assumed to […]
By Mike Adams
GLOBAL COOLING is coming, and we’re all DOOMED, warned NYT, WashPost, TIME, Cal Tech and the entire MSM throughout the 1970s
If you’ve been suckered into believing the false narrative of man-made “global warming” or “climate change,” you’re probably not old enough to remember the global cooling propaganda fear campaign of the 1970s. (Al Gore is counting on the public having a really short memory, by the way, and he hasn’t been disappointed.) Throughout the 1970s, […]
By Mike Adams
Carbon dioxide “pollutant” myth totally DEBUNKED in must-see science video
As part of the new Health Ranger Science effort at public education on crucial science issues of our time, I’ve just released this truly must-see video that totally debunks the false narrative of carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.” As you’ll see explained in the video below, climate change alarmists use visual trickery and deceit to […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine skepticism is rooted in rational science, while vaccine zealotry is pushed under the “cult of scientism”
Ever notice how every attack on so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a demeaning medical slur, the equivalent of the “N word” in science) begins with the assumption that they must be completely crazy? That’s a tactic. It’s designed to dismiss the rational science behind vaccine skepticism, even as the evidence keeps mounting that toxic vaccine ingredients are incredibly […]
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