News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Treasonous corporate media GASLIGHTING America with false claims that violent left-wing riots are “peaceful”
The treasonous corporate media are deliberately lying to America, falsely claiming the violent riots in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere are “peaceful.” In truth, violent left-wing rioters are setting fires, attacking innocent people, destroying property and even attempting to trap federal agents in buildings while burning them down. The crimes being carried out by left-wing rioters […]
By Mike Adams
Those who call the coronavirus a “hoax” are making a huge mistake: These twelve questions reveal the TRUTH that no one dare utter
There’s no question that elements of the coronavirus pandemic are being wildly exaggerated by mostly left-leaning mayors, governors and media pundits in order to punish America with economically destructive lockdowns (all in the hope of removing Trump from office, it turns out). We’ve even documented one of the most egregious deception efforts involving the Florida […]
By Mike Adams
FACT CHECK: Natural News remains the most outspoken pro-mask independent news publisher, even as InfoWars and others have become strongly anti-mask
With all the misinformation and lies from mainstream media circulating around, it’s worth pointing out that Natural News remains nearly the only pro-mask independent news publisher in existence, where most of the other indy media publishers (at least those who are right-leaning) have become “anti-mask” in their editorial coverage. The dishonest mainstream media, of course, […]
By Mike Adams
The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
Today the WHO declared that COVID-19 almost never spreads through asymptomatic carriers, all at once wiping out the entire justification for mandatory vaccines and contact tracing. As reported: “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, […]
By Mike Adams
The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine turned into laughing stocks as widely-touted hydroxychlorine study found to be based on fabricated data organized by science fiction writer and adult content model
Just as the mainstream media utterly destroyed its credibility in trying to remove President Trump from office, the medical establishment is committing credibility suicide in a mad rush to try to suppress the truth about hydroxychloroquine, an off-patent drug that can save patients from covid-19. In the latest stunning demonstration of brazen quackery and junk […]
By Mike Adams
Tech giants, fake news media in PANIC over Trump’s targeting of Sec. 230; ending “viewpoint censorship” would crush fake news media’s propaganda monopolies on vaccines, 5G and GMOs
The techno-fascist “Big Tech” information gatekeepers have relied on sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act to allow the fake news media (mainstream media – CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to monopolize all the debates on issues of grave concern for human health and long-term human sustainability. Thanks to the selective “viewpoint censorship” actively […]
By Mike Adams
LOGIC FAIL: Pandemic denialists who claim hospitals are being paid to fake covid-19 deaths can’t explain why reported deaths are dramatically FALLING after 7 weeks of lockdowns
You’ve probably heard the bizarre claim that hospitals are faking all the covid-19 deaths because they’re being rewarded with extra compensation from Medicare. No one is really dying from coronavirus, the deniers claim, and all the official death figures are simply counting people who would have died anyway, they say. But there are two glaring […]
By Mike Adams
A simple quiz to check someone’s basic knowledge of math and statistics in the middle of a pandemic
As we’ve seen when all the flawed math and science in recent coronavirus report, we aren’t exactly living in a math-centric world. In fact, basic skills in math and statistics are sorely lacking, even among people who consider themselves journalists or reporters. It’s not that we expect everyone to be a statistician or epidemiology expert, […]
By Mike Adams
FACT CHECK: The “two doctors” featured in popular video from California were actually spouting statistical nonsense… don’t be fooled
The “two doctors” video that has been widely cited across independent and conservative media turns out to be yet another example of mathematical illiteracy parading as authoritative medicine. The two doctors featured in the video, Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massih, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California, put on a clinic of mathematical […]
By Mike Adams
The coronavirus is likely 56 to 100 times MORE DEADLY than the flu; any attempt to end the lockdowns without precautions will result in catastrophe
The determined effort of media pundits and publishers to try to downplay the severity of the coronavirus pandemic will go down in history as one of the most bizarre and inexplicable chapters in the history of journalism. Over the last two months, mostly pro-Trump, conservative publishers have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to claim […]
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