News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Pathetic NY Times’ response to attempted assassination of GOP lawmakers: It’s Sarah Palin’s fault
In the wake of what could have been a horrific mass murder of scores of Republican lawmakers Wednesday morning as they practiced for Congress’ annual charity softball game at a ball field in northern Virginia, the disgusting Left-wing partisans at The New York Times are attempting to provide political cover for the attempted assassination by […]
By JD Heyes
Disgusting mainstream media’s “journo-terrorism” partly responsible for Bernie sycophant’s shooting attack on GOP lawmakers: Time to hold them responsible
Inspired by the vitriolic hatred displayed by the so-called “mainstream” media and the Alt-Left towards Donald J. Trump and his supporters during last year’s presidential campaign, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, coined the term “journo-terrorism.” Put simply, it was a reference to the media’s regular publishing of deliberate “falsehoods about their political […]
By JD Heyes
Would-be political assassin a Bernie supporter: Will Democrats NOW take responsibility for fomenting so much hate and violence?
The shooter and wannabe murderer of “as many Republicans as possible,” James T. Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Ill., was a known supporter of “Democratic socialist” and 2016 Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, though you won’t see any of that highlighted by the the ideologically bankrupt “mainstream” media — the same media that was […]
By JD Heyes
Special Counsel to investigate “Russian collusion” is an orchestrated witch hunt run by the deep state to overthrow America
The longer newly appointed independent counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller is around, the more some in Congress, along with tens of millions of Americans who support President Donald J. Trump, are becoming suspicious of his appointment and his motives. Case in point: GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert, himself a lawyer, a former state district […]
By JD Heyes
Even after James Comey outs the New York Times for fake news over Russia-Trump collusion, paper won’t correct the record
Unbelievably, even after fired FBI Director James Comey told members of the Senate Intelligence Committee last week that a February 14 story The New York Times ran implying “collusion” between Team Trump and “The Russians” was dead wrong, the paper still won’t make the necessary corrections. Proving, once more, that in the Age of President […]
By JD Heyes
James Comey confirms that NYT story on Russian collusion conspiracy was totally #FAKENEWS
One of the most under-reported aspects of fired FBI Director James Comey’s much-ballyhooed testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was the bombshell that much of the reporting on Team Trump and the White House by the disgusting “mainstream” media has been absolutely false. As in, not even close to the truth. One such […]
By JD Heyes
As expected, the disgusting fake news media is ignoring the most damning of all revelations made by James Comey
There were several glaring omissions by the “mainstream media,” as typified in this Associated Press story about former FBI Director James Comey’s much-anticipated testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday — like any mention of potential criminal activity committed by himself and his former boss at the Obama Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch. […]
By JD Heyes
All the times James Comey cleared President Trump and his administration during his Senate testimony — while admitting to potential crimes
There were three bombshells revealed earlier this morning by former FBI Director James Comey during his public testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but none of them harm President Donald J. Trump. In fact, two of those three implicate Comey himself in a potential crime, as well as former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch. But […]
By JD Heyes
Evil globalist George Soros declares Trump’s America is a “hostile nation” for opposing globalism
Billionaire investor George Soros, hated by many in his own home country of Hungary because he can’t stop trying to undermine the government there with attempts to usher in fascist socialism, is stepping up his campaign to subjugate the United States and interfere with President Donald J. Trump’s effort to “make America great again.” In […]
By JD Heyes
Insane vaccine zealots now calling for vaccine skeptics to be PUT TO DEATH so that resistance to mercury in vaccines can be eliminated
The authoritarian Left is alive and well and continuing to push vaccine madness on every single man, woman and child, even to the point of murdering anyone who dares to disagree with the globalist orthodoxy. A recent editorial in the Boston Herald, usually the Democrat-controlled city’s lone voice of constitutionalism, liberty and freedom, was scathing […]
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