News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media bias against Trump? Absolutely, new Harvard study proves
President Donald J. Trump has had an adversarial relationship with the so-called “mainstream” media, of that there is no doubt. But to hear him tell it, that’s because the media has an obvious and blatant bias against him. In fact, he has called it unprecedented, as have many of his defenders. They are all right, […]
By JD Heyes
All those times when Barack Obama committed impeachable offenses
The Washington establishment media, with plenty of help from their official political apparatus, the Democratic Party, has been in full meltdown mode over what legal experts widely agree is a huge nothing burger: That President Donald J. Trump allegedly pressured former FBI Director into dropping the bureau’s investigation into the president’s former national security advisor, […]
By JD Heyes
Legal and political experts’ consensus say that the REAL problem in the Trump White House is all the law-breaking leaks
While it’s true that the administration has been bedeviled by chaos and President Donald J. Trump’s agenda has been successfully hijacked, at least for the moment, by his political enemies, it’s also clear that the dishonest and wholly discredited Washington establishment media is driving most of the controversy and mayhem. In fact, the narratives of […]
By JD Heyes
The DNC is involved in a major class-action fraud suit brought by Sanders backers – where is the media?
If you turn on the television or visit just about any political news website today you’ll find that virtually all of the coverage is about President Donald J. Trump, and most of it portraying him in a distinctively negative light. Trump gave Russian diplomats classified information. Trump pressured former FBI Director James Comey to drop […]
By JD Heyes
Deep State and Alt-Left have successfully thwarted Trump’s agenda, meaning your health care will collapse, taxes will go up and job prospects dim
The Drudge Report blared these headlines late Thursday afternoon: “Dems Poll-Test Impeachment,” and “Mueller Appointed Special Counsel.” Aside from the underlying stories associated with them, what these headlines really said was that you and I – and hundreds of millions of Americans – can now kiss good-bye any hope of Congress and the Trump administration […]
By JD Heyes
The disgusting “mainstream media” is helping the Deep State oust Trump and should be considered an enemy of democracy
On a near-daily basis now, the disruptive, discredited, fake news corporate media breathlessly reports every single thing President Donald J. Trump says or does as some sort of new scandal rising to the level of impeachment. The latest “crisis” is supposedly related to a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote following a meeting in […]
By JD Heyes
DNC bombshell: Murdered staffer Seth Rich sent THOUSANDS of emails to WikiLeaks, undermining entire bogus story that Russia “hacked” election
An absolute bombshell report was published Tuesday that refutes completely the discredited “mainstream media” and Democratic Party lie that Russia was behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s email in the months leading up to the November election. Fox News’ Malia Zimmerman writes that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with whistleblower […]
By JD Heyes
The #NeverTrump Deep State and the far Left are putting every American at risk with their incessant attacks on the president
There has been no shortage of political pundits pontificating on the “unprecedented amount of turmoil” in the Trump White House. However, there has been a distinct honesty deficit: If this is the most tumultuous first four months for a president ever, it’s because this president has been under unprecedented assault – from the media, from […]
By JD Heyes
Fake news media puts on tin foil hats again to declare Comey’s firing attempt by Trump to “suppress Russia investigation”
The circus that is the discredited #NeverTrump establishment media, always seeking to set the day’s narrative, has once again gone full wacko conspiracy theory. They are now declaring – without evidence or proof, as usual – that President Donald J. Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey was an attempt to diffuse the bureau’s […]
By JD Heyes
Health Ranger nails it: Daily Mail now using his analysis that Russian “mole nukes” could cause massive tsunamis along U.S. coastlines
Last month the founder/editor of Natural News and, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported in a podcast that Russia has embedded so-called “mole nukes” off U.S. coastlines, according to an admission by a former Red Army colonel and spokesman for the Russian defense ministry, Viktor Baranetz. As Adams noted, Baranetz – in an interview […]
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