News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
The Left has turned “science” into lunacy, discrediting all science with the eventual goal of dominating the planet and enslaving the people
2044 A.D.: Once upon a time, there were science books. Lots and lots of science books, all containing information on just about anything you can imagine. There were volumes on the health sciences. There were books about earth sciences, environmental science, and a plethora of studies – replicable, peer-reviewed and evidence-based – that provided knowledge […]
By JD Heyes
Forbes hits a new low, claims non-GMO movement is somehow mired in sexism
You can always tell when a Leftist is losing an argument. They always resort to false accusations of “isms” as a way to distract from the fact that their viewpoint has no substance and no basis in reality. Enter Kavin Senapathy, who inferred in Forbes recently that anyone who disputes Big Agriculture’s claim that “all […]
By JD Heyes
Stunning archaeological find vindicates renegade civilization historian Graham Hancock, author of “Magicians of the Gods”
Everything we think we know about our planet, our civilization, our history and the origin of modern humankind may not be correct – in fact, it may be wildly inaccurate. For years, Graham Hancock, a “renegade” historian, has pushed a theory that human beings evolved much sooner than we now believe, and that there was a […]
By JD Heyes
Fake science TV personality Bill Nye goes berserk when REAL scientist schools him on carbon dioxide
In case you still thought that TV personality Bill Nye was a real “science guy,” this ought to disabuse you of that belief. In a recent interview on uber-Left-wing CNN, where kooks and crackpots like Nye are made to feel right at home, the mechanical engineer (that’s Nye) had a hissy fit when someone with […]
By JD Heyes
Once again, the cowardly GOP leadership sabotages Trump and his agenda by kowtowing to Democrats
Democrats do not have a congressional majority on Capitol Hill, but judging by the Republicans’ lack of ability to advance their agenda and that of the president of the United States, who just happens to belong to their party, you wouldn’t know it. The latest budget “deal” which funds government operations until the end of […]
By JD Heyes
Bill Nye the “science guy” abandons all science, implies transgenderism is “evolution”
You have to wonder how the media will continue to take Bill Nye the “Science Guy” seriously after all of the goofy, demonstrably false things he has said. Clearly, however, the lamestreams have not reached that point yet. The latest instance of ignorance that has come from the lips of someone who was a science […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post equates enforcing immigration law with “hard-line” fear-mongering
Left-wing federal judges, lawless city mayors, anarchist city councils, Marxist activists and nearly every member of the Democratic Party have tried to thwart President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to keep Americans safer while religiously upholding immigration laws, but to no avail. The Washington Post became the latest establishment media outlet to grudgingly note that Trump’s […]
By JD Heyes
CNN is now offering advice on how to approach your kids about being TRANSGENDER
A recent survey published by the Morning Consult noted that more than half of all Americans – 51 percent – say that national political media “is out of touch with everyday Americans,” while just 28 percent – not even one-in-three – said the same media “understands the issues everyday Americans are facing.” In addition, just […]
By JD Heyes
Chicago Tribune echoes the Health Ranger, warns that government pensions will evaporate before many retirees can collect
The so-called “mainstream media” – which claims to be the first and last voice in all societal trends – is just now catching up to an issue that Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, noticed (and has been following) for months now, and that is this: Pension funds across the country are about […]
By JD Heyes
How can Bill Nye understand anything about science when he can’t even understand the U.S. Constitution?
Bill Nye “The Science Guy” has run one of the most successful scams in the history of the country. People really do believe his knowledge of science is beyond reproach. It’s not like he doesn’t come with credentials. A mechanical engineer by trade, he earned a bachelor of science from Cornell University in 1977 after […]
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