climate change
By JD Heyes
Fake News: Associated Press omits quotes from a professor who doesn’t buy into the human-caused “climate change” hoax
Like the rest of the far-Left “establishment” media, The Associated Press did a story attempting to link the series of unusually strong hurricanes this season with human-caused “climate change” and “global warming.” And like most of its establishment media colleagues pushing this garbage, the AP’s story wound up doing the same thing, primarily by omitting […]
By JD Heyes
NO means NO: White House pushes back against reports claiming Trump wants to remain in Paris “climate” accords
The Trump administration is pushing back hard against published reports that the president was considering backing off his pledge to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accords, which are really not designed to “reverse climate change” but instead are nothing more than a major wealth transfer. Over the weekend The Wall Street Journal […]
By Tracey Watson
Fake news Washington Post now claims climate change is causing chemical plants to explode
There is no doubt that Hurricane Harvey left an immense trail of destruction in its wake. In addition to displacing tens of thousands of people, this force of nature also destroyed many thousands of homes and vehicles, as well as commercial structures and important infrastructure. Predicted to be one of the costliest storms in U.S. […]
By JD Heyes
Heartless Leftists politicize Hurricane Harvey, blaming victims for causing “climate change”
In an interview with CNN’s “New Day” morning co-host Chris Cuomo, top presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway got a little irritated when she was asked what was, given the circumstances and subject matter, an incredibly stupid question. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the two first sparred over the issue of congressional funding for Hurricane Harvey […]
By Jayson Veley
NYT caught in total bulls##t LIE about Trump and a climate change report… WashPost labels “epic screw-up”
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why the left-wing media constantly lies to the American people? It would seem that if the people really were embracing big government, and really did want to surrender their liberty to an all powerful state, then the liberals would just be up front with their true agenda. Likewise, […]
By Jayson Veley
New York Times retroactively swaps documents to rig climate change article
We have reached a point in America where the intentional spread of misinformation from the mainstream media is almost to be expected. Journalism is dead, and in its place exists an ongoing effort to not only advance the progressive agenda, but also to discredit and delegitimize President Trump. Case in point: The phony, left wing […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change propagandists turn to FAKE SCIENCE VIDEO that falsely claims Manhattan will be under water in 60 years
A new video has begun circulating the internet that claims New York City will soon be under several feet of water because of the recent decision by President Trump to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. A duo from France known as “Claire and Max” apparently used Photoshop and three-dimensional simulation software […]
By Tracey Watson
Weather Channel founder tells CNN “climate change is a hoax” … 31,000 scientists agree
Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic man-made global warming as a scientific fact. But, while this theory is increasingly being taught in schools and other institutions, it is important to note that there are thousands of reputable scientists who absolutely do […]
By Mike Adams
Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming in the streets” of Miami due to climate change
The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al Gore, every time the moon’s gravity causes tides to roll in, it’s a “global warming” apocalypse and proof that the oceans are catastrophically rising at the rate of nearly one foot per hour. Seriously, this […]
By Mike Adams
Trump just SAVED America from the disastrous Paris Climate Treaty fraud
Instead of being attacked and criticized by the delusional, mindless Left that has abandoned all reason and logic, President Trump should be THANKED for saving America from the horrendous Paris Climate Treaty fraud. The entire narrative of global warming and “climate change” has been rooted in deliberate scientific fraud from the very start. Even the […]
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