David Hogg
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Anti-gun sociopath David Hogg caught on Reddit celebrating the mass killing of “billions of people” as being “great for the environment”
Anti-gun sociopath David Hogg — see daily news coverage at HoggWatch.com — has been caught in a Reddit post celebrating the death of billions of people from mosquito-borne disease, an InfoWars investigation has now found. Mosquitoes “kill humans, billions of them, which is great for the environment,” Hogg stated in a Reddit post from late […]
By News Editors
CNN’s Brian Stelter admits he purposely did not correct David Hogg’s fake claims about guns (Video)
CNN host Brian Stelter admitted Monday that he purposely did not correct David Hogg’s fake statements about guns during a February 25th interview with the gun-control activist. (Article by Joshua Caplan republished from TheGatewayPundit.com) Partial transcript via The Blaze: “There were a few times I wanted to jump in and say, ‘Let’s correct that fact.’ And […]
By JD Heyes
Left’s gun control front man David Hogg suddenly cares about the Constitution, but can’t correctly cite it
If you needed another big, fat, glaring example of how today’s Marxist-run public schools are ensuring that future generations of American adults will be utterly unprepared to defend their constitutional rights, this should do the trick. No doubt you’ve heard about David Hogg, a young man from Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the […]
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