By Mike Adams
CNN, the collapse of bulls##t and how Trump can de-fund the entire establishment media with the single stroke of a pen
You are now living in one of the most fascinating eras of human history: The collapse of bulls##t. The world of “complete bulls##t” — often filled with descriptions of progressive “equality” and fabricated Russian collusion “spy fiction” articles from the fakestream media — is thankfully unraveling by the day. The reason this has taken so […]
By JD Heyes
Don’t believe the fake news: No, President Trump is not shuttering the EPA’s data service
President Donald J. Trump has shown he’s no fan of several federal agencies he believes are overly politicized to the point of acting beyond their mandates to stifle economic growth and saddle the business and industrial communities with onerous regulations. One of those is the Environmental Protection Agency, which helps explain why he appointed a […]
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