shadow government
By JD Heyes
Here are the media personalities and news outlets who were RIGHT all along about Obama’s spying on Trump (including the Health Ranger)
Democrats and their sycophantic supporters in the “mainstream media” continue to denounce the newly-released and highly revealing FISA Memo, savaging Republican lawmakers and President Donald J. Trump because they were brave enough to believe the American people needed to know what was in it. In an incredible and rare act of transparency, House Intelligence Committee […]
By Mike Adams
“Sleeper cell” Obama running shadow government op to discredit Natural News and other pro-Trump independent media
As reported yesterday, Natural News is being targeted for destruction by Media Matters and other anti-American operative groups who are trying to bring down the Trump administration by undermining his popular support. As part of this campaign, I have personally been threatened and ordered to “destroy Alex Jones” or face a campaign of fake news […]
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