toxic food
By S.D. Wells
The top 10 fake news stories of the last two years that were relentlessly pushed by the “fakestream media”
One strategic and insidious way to cover up deceit and a false narrative is for liars to accuse honest people of lying, thus putting them on their “heels” so they won’t or don’t point out the true hypocrisy being committed. Recently, Donald J. Trump called out the lies of not only the Democrats, but mainstream […]
By S.D. Wells
The most irresponsible news publications of 2016
It sounds almost cruel to call someone uneducated, but for most people it’s not their own fault that they are, given the fact that most school curricula (fodder), college “cannons,” television shows, newspaper columns and online mass media “news” publications push toxic information that not only controls the minds of consumers, but influences their purchase and consumption […]
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